Inspector Lite

The TFDSI Inspector Lite program is extremely cost effective.

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The TFDSI Inspector Lite program is extremely cost effective. The program follows the very successful "The Inspector" package but in a scaled down version.
Main features:
-Inspect almost anything.

-Use pencil and paper, notebook computer.
-NO extra programs required. This is not the case with the competition.
-Note capability in ALL steps of the program. The notes can have all of the usual formatting of a word processor but does NOT require a word processor. (Bold, underline, font color centering etc.)
-Form letters and post cards, again with complete word processing capabilities without the word processor including spell checking.
-Complete tracking of when the form letters were sent. You can also add in the replies or link to an external file such as from a fax.
-All reports can automatically be sent to Adobe PDF®. This gives you the capabilities to email final report instantly to AHJ and clients.
-Unlimited number of companies. This is not the case with the competition.
-Unlimited number of inspection items. This is not the case with the competition.
-Unlimited number of history/conditions. (Prior inspections) This is not the case with the competition.
-Capture hand drawn sketches or signatures.
-Link in photographs from an inspection. You may use your current digital camera. Or scan in photos from a traditional camera.
-VERY VERY easy to use. One window to view inspection results.
-Find any inspection, company, items etc. instantly. Plus the reports are based upon your search criteria. So in essences you can customized your reports.
-There is limited scheduling built into the program. However,if you want to add in scheduling capabilities, Inspector Lite integrates with the complete scheduling solution TFDSI Scheduler.
-There is section where you can add reference informatio. (NFPA excerpts, PDF, CAD DOC files etc.
-All support is available 24/7 via email.
-Sophisticate filtering to make finding information a snap.

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